Profile PictureBud and Bear Fruit Learning Academy

Greeting Math Lovers [or haters], I am Coach Boone, your Middle School Maths Tour Guide. My goal is to support all education stakeholders, and I accomplish this goal by creating fluff-free content that emphasizes sense-making and builds upon grade-level standards. Mastery is possible when goals are clear and the proper supports are in place to reach them. My presence on this platform serves two purposes: I want parents and students to have a consistent teacher they can trust; one who will support them through 3 of the roughest years of a child's adolescence. I want teachers to have a safe space to learn the standards and how to teach them in a way that maximizes student outcomes. Whichever group you happen to fall into, know that you are welcome here. And if you don't fall into either group and just want to pour into my business, you are welcome too. Let's Bear Fruit!